Oxbow Bend, Snake River

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Five Fun Onboarding Activities for Your New Crew!

Kelcy Fowler

In this post, we bring you our unwavering belief in your ability to kick butt as well as an energetic shot of fun and inspiration. Below are five fun on-boarding / team building ideas the seasonal community.

Idaho Rocky Mountain Ranch, Idaho – Erica Cole
We connected our new hires with two of our returning crew members to chat about what it’s REALLY like to live, work and play at the Idaho Rocky Mountain Ranch. The new hires were more comfortable asking them the ‘real’ questions they wanted answers to, but may have been afraid to ask management. 
A private Facebook group was created for this year’s crew members.  It’s a platform for the crew to get to know each other, ask questions and coordinate travel plans.  Everybody has joined — the chatter is ongoing with the excitement and anticipation for the upcoming summer kicking into overdrive.

Major Marine Tours and Alaska Coach Tours, Alaska – Kyle McDonnell
Alaska Coach Tours does a big bowling tournament as well as kick ball teams against the other tour companies. Major Marine does a big pig roast party for everyone at the beginning of the season and a few thoughout the summer. 

Hidden Valley Camp, Maine – Peter Kassen
We’ve got a couple standbys that are a hit each season. We hold a Contra Dance, which is like a big old-fashioned square dance. We put on a Booth Night where returning staff set up booths in our Barn, and new staff can go table to table and learn about Camp Lore, Off time options, etc.  We also put on a Staff Talent Show, to encourage everyone to share something, foster bonds and build fast relationships.

Grand Canyon South Rim, Arizona – Meg Rudge
A bus tour of the Grand Canyon – with a guide to offer interpretive info and share Park and location highlights. For some, this is their first real look at the Canyon. It helps foster relationships to this magical place, and connects them to why they’re here.

Copper Mountain Ski Resort, Colorado – Regina Case
One of the best celebrations we do at the beginning of our ski season is our Holiday Celebration. The dinner is served to you by the leadership team, so the President is giving you turkey while the VP is handing you potatoes. It’s just one way we recognize and thank our employees for all of their hard work! In addition, we have Santa come and give out little gifts to employees’ kids, amazing prizes are raffled off, photo booth fun, and a caricature. The past couple of seasons, we have even said to wear your best holiday sweater and then we take a picture with everyone dressed up.

Great ideas are fodder for other great ideas. What are some of your favorite or most successful on-boarding activities?