Crater Lake National Park



Seasonal work has been one of the best choices I’ve made with my career path. After I graduated college, I realized the typical 9-5 office job was not going to work for me, literally. I started checking out different ski resorts and landed a position at Copper Mountain Ski Resort as a seasonal recruiter. The employee housing is steps away from the ski lifts, and is one of the cheapest places to live within the county. In my first season, I reveled in multiple celebrations/parties for employees, powder days, and the legendary Cardboard Derby. Your social media feed blows up on an epic powder day, and taking a few runs on your lunch break sure beats the traditional job scene.

Those first 7 months went by in a blur, and there was always something new and fun to do in the area. Before I knew it, the “mud season” was upon us and my fellow employees were looking for that new summer gig. Fortunately, I continued to do what I love while working in the Recruiting department. With a little bit of luck and being in the right place at the right time, I’ve had the privilege to work for Copper Mountain year-round since 2011. Within my role at Copper, I’ve shared the excitement of a great seasonal opportunity with countless individuals.

Folks have explored the seasonal lifestyle for a multitude of reasons:  to check out new places and cross things off that bucket list; taking a post-high school gap year when they don’t know what career path they want to pursue; taking a break before heading off to graduate school; retired folks who still want to get out there and have some fun! Whatever reason leads one to work in a seasonal position, it’s a great experience and a ton of fun!

The best part about seasonal work is ALL the different folks you meet and cross paths with. I’ve worked side by side with the “lifers”, students from other countries spending their school break here, people who live the seasonal lifestyle full time and love it, and employees who dip their toes for just a season. One of the best parts of working for Copper Mountain Ski Resort is the community that’s formed each season. We meet amazing people and create memories that will last a lifetime.

If you are thinking about seasonal employment, I recommend giving it a shot! Check out the awesome opportunities here on Trust me, you won’t be sorry!


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